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Saturday, March 27, 2010

The President should listen to Biden when he talks like this

I wonder if he truly meant it.  We do need light, we need transparency.  Somehow I don't think its ever going to happen. This is from the liberal Talking Point Memo.
Vice President Biden spoke at a DNC fundraiser in Texas today. From the pool report:
He told another story about a quarry swimming hole where as a boy he used to go diving from nearly 100 feet up a rock wall.
"The frightening part was you go down really far, I mean literally really far. So deep it's totally black. Your chest constricts, you panic and you don't know whether you're swimming down or up."
Does he really realize how far down we are right now, and does he know we feel like we don't know what is coming next, where we are going?  He goes on:
"But when you get about 12 to 14 feet from the top you see light and everything is OK. You're still 12 feet underwater, but it's OK. You see light."

"That's the American people, man. We've gotta give them light," VPOTUS said, strolling away from the podium, into the audience, and pointing with both hands toward a sun-lit skylight above the center of the room.
Does he know the light is the light of freedom? Well, I hope one day we all see that light of freedom again, but for now it looks very, very dim to me.

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