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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Where Have I been?

I've been gone from home for most of Thursday and Friday this week so posting was very light on those days. 
Friday was a beautiful day for going to the beach, so that is what we did.  My husband, thought by some to  be a saint, took me and three sisters for a drive down the Padre Island beach.  It was a gorgeous day, beautiful blue sky, nice firm sand to drive on and plentiful birds to photograph. We had a great day.
A couple of inebriated young men had a real piece of luck that we were there. They passed us going very fast in a beautiful new little Cadillac but that speed didn't last long.  They hit a patch of softer sand and decided to make a speedy turn.  When we reached them only a few minutes later they were up to the car frame in sand.  They knew nothing about getting out of a bad spot.
 Fortunately we did.  We gave them a shovel and some boards for under the wheels and taught them how to get out of the sand rut they were in. Then we (I) gave them the rules for driving on the beach. Don't speed; don't try to turn around while speeding; and DON'T DRIVE WHILE DRINKING.  They took the sermon very well and I hope they got home safely.

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