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Sunday, November 22, 2009

I really like this headline

Sarah Palin Weapon of Mass Distraction
Democrats are using her to keep attention off real issues
Sarah Palin is going rogue. The Democrats are going rottweiler.
Liberals in the media make heinous personal attacks, dress up quibbles and debating as “fact-checking” and compare her to such noxious harridans as Evita Peron and Madonna. Newsweek went with a cover photo of a picture of her in running shorts to degrade her to the level of a spokesmodel and Stephen Colbert broke character to call her book “a steaming pile of s - - -.” They called her a “deeply disturbed person” (Andrew Sullivan) “unhinged” (ibid), a “delusional fantasist” (ibid; Andrew’s been a busy lad) and even — this is really low — “the leader of the Republican party.”

To all of these liberal attacks I say: well played, my friends. Take a bow.

Hate-drunk Democrats are possibly not even aware of what a savvy political move they are carrying out.

By attacking the former governor of a state smaller by population than Westchester County, a woman whose chances of being the next president are about the same as Nancy Pelosi’s, Democrats aren’t wasting their time at all. They are distracting conservatives and changing the subject.

Conservatives should be, but aren’t, completely focused on one idea. It’s liberalism, stupid.
I've highlighted this because I have posted quite a lot of Sarah Palin items, I think that I and most of my readers have not let our minds wander from the goal, defeating liberalism.

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