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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Links and comments

Pamela Geller and the Hijacking of America we are all passengers on a hijacked plane the size of America, heading towards an imminent crash. I don't know about you but that is exactly the way I feel.  And there is nothing I can do about. We worked hard to get a Republican/conservative majority in Congress, but what good has it done us.  Those in charge in the House and Senate are like those passenger, keeping silent and thinking it will come out okay.  It won't.
I am not at all concerned that many who represent us are sleeping in their offices instead of paying the extremely high rent in DC.  Maybe they will learn to trim the US budget , too. Okay, maybe it is equal to some I have heard of in Rockport.  Many people cannot afford to rent in Rockport anymore.
Details on the Waco shootout have been a little obscure.  Here is a Breitbart update, makes you think doesn't it?
We just got internet service back, it had been out since Saturday night.  So this has some old and very little new.  Maybe I will have time to browse the news sites more tomorrow.

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